Project Harmony
Omaha, NE, USA
Here a healing center supplies the antidote to an abusive disposition, enhancing and offering guidance with emotional security, adjacent to nurturing safety and wellbeing. Developing a space through initiatives for an out of harm’s way approach intertwined with insightful therapeutic features expressed graphically to communicate an innovative positive environment. The principal means in which to achieve an environment that can allow for this concept would be by virtue of infusing the user with elements which heal and calm the mind, while concurrently entertaining the child’s senses through color, acoustics, texture and scent.
Distinctive recognizable forms, depictions in the company of iconographic identity and integrating a series of independent elements seamlessly connected to one another, permits the user to be clearly guided diagrammatically from the exterior entrance though-out the entire facility though various mediums of digital LED signs, LED screens, illuminated display boxes and vivid colors, next to interactive modular components comprised of themes of water, plant-life and nature.
Joint venture with Helen Brough
Project Team
Tolga Hazan, Dessi Lyutakova, Emily Thurlow